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Preschool 2 & 3 PROGRAMS

A look at Preschool 2

  • Children learn to make up their nap cot daily

  • Outside play twice a day

  • 2:10 ratio of teachers to children

  • Toilet training 

  • Structured schedule daily

  • Thematic learning approach

At LPC, your child will have many opportunities to tap into their curious and creative sides. Every day in the preschool 2 rooms, your child will experience the


Circle and Story Time: reinforcing language and communication development through stories, songs, finger plays, numbers, the alphabet, and theme activities

Art: Self expression through structured and free art

Sensory: activities to ignite their senses and sense of discovery

Outdoor Time/Large Muscle: building physical skills twice a day

Daily group activities foster a sense of community and group identity.



Our days follow a relaxed rhythm similar to the schedule below.

  • Morning Meeting: children gather each morning  to share news of the upcoming day. Teachers will provide information for discussion related to the current theme. Circle time often includes lots of singing, movement, educational games, and stories.

  • Community Time: During this time the children come together and have the opportunity to explore other preschool classrooms

  • Snack: Morning and afternoon snack are provided by the preschool and enjoyed in the classroom or outside on the picnic tables by the playground.

  • Outside Time: Children can enjoy the playground equipment, ride a tricycle, or pick a nice spot in the shade for quiet play.

  • Enrichment Time: Children join in activities that enhance the weekly theme through art, cooking, science, experiments, and more.   

  • Lunch: Children are served a well balanced lunch provided by the preschool in their classroom.

  • Afternoons: The afternoon begins with resting and napping in their classroom. After nap/rest time  the children have snack. The afternoon concludes with playground time and teacher led and self guided play in their classrooms. 



A look at Preschool 3

  • Outside play twice daily

  • 1:10 ratio of teachers to children

  • must be toilet trained and turn three by September 30 of the current school year to enroll

  • The Learn Every Day curriculum is used.



© 2021 by Lakeside Presbyterian Preschool

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