Lakeside Presbyterian
Parent Resources
Tuition includes: Early Arrival (7:30-8:40am) for all children
Parents will be invoiced weekly by through Brightwheel. Tuition may be paid through ACH withdrawal via Brightwheel or by check to the preschool office
If you wish to pay more than one week tuition must be paid by check
Payments must be received on Mondays by 6pm
Families will be invoices a $10 late fee if tuition is not paid by 6pm on Mondays
Will incur a $25.00 returned check fee if check is returned by our bank
10% Sibling Savings Automatically applied for each additional child enrolled during the same school year and will be shown on the financial agreement section of the enrollment application.
Tuition Policies
Brightwheel Messages
LPP staff will check Brightwheel messages from 7:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday. If it is necessary for you to message at other times your message will be returned the next business day.
Lakeside Preschool
7343 Hermitage Road
Richmond, VA 23228
804-261-7942 Phone